Wednesday, October 22, 2008


GWD Toyota & Disability Vehicles

They have access to a wide range of disability vehicles through their Toyota Signature Class vehicles starting from as little as $13,000.

To view these vehicles follow this link View Vehicles HERE.

Toyota Signature Class vehicles have the added value of

  • Three year unlimited kilometre 'no worries' Full Mechanical Warranty
  • 3 Year Free WOF checks
  • Comprehensive Toyota Certification Centre Check
  • Certified Mileage
  • Signature Class AA Roadside Service
  • Nationwide Customer Support

For more information ring GWD Toyota on (03) 442 2095 today!

Clark Kirkwood, New Toyota Sales, GWD Toyota, 110 Gorge Road, Queenstown

Monday, October 20, 2008

Mobility Dogs


Disabilities Resource Centre Queenstown is pleased to welcome Mobility Dogs to the Lakes District. This organisation is a great addition to disability services in our area. Already operating in Auckland and Christchurch and the United States, Mobility Dogs have proved immeasurably valuable to the lives of the physically disabled, their families and the wider community, increasing their independence, confidence and self-esteem. Septembers ‘Life Synergies’ Expo provided a great opportunity to meet some Mobility Dogs and the Southern Lakes Puppy Development Liaison officer Grant Reid to find out some interesting things.

Mobility Dogs can work with a variety of physical disabilities, mild to severe, mobile or immobile. They can help disabled people complete a range of tasks including:
Operate buttons on pedestrian crossings, pick up dropped items, turn light switches on and off, fetch items from supermarket shelves and even load/unload a washing machine or dryer.

Puppies start training with Mobility Dogs at 8-10 weeks old. It is completed after 20-22 months with most dogs ready to be placed with a partner after 2 years. Once matched with a partner, dogs enter advanced training, honing their skills to suit their partner’s disability.

So far: Labradors, Labrador crosses, Golden Retrievers and Alsatians have all been trained as Mobility Dogs. They seem to have the right mix of; size, temperament and intelligence. But other breeds may be considered in the future.

So far many of the official disability agencies in the Southern Lakes are aware of Mobility Dogs but if anyone would like to get some more information there are a few things you can do:
Visit their website
Contact your disability agency
Or pop into DRC Queenstown and speak to one of our Information Consultants.