Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Super Maori Fulla

Super Maori Fullas Harley Davidson Ride for Life- From Cape Reinga to the BluffPOSITIVE FAMILIES PROMOTION

Super Maori Fullas believe strongly in POSITIVE FAMILIES. They believe in: encouragement, independence, compassion, communication, praise and NON VIOLENCE in a strong family unit. Their message about positive families is just as important to the disabled community as to any other group in New Zealand society. The Super Maori Fullas have driven throughout New Zealand promoting their message:
“We’re proud of our kids and they are proud of us. We take an active interest in what they do; we go on school trips and watch them play sports. We teach them life skills and how to be a good provider.”

All people, young or old, with disabilities, be they; long-term, short-term, physical or mental benefit from a positive family. A family that shares in the concerns of relatives with disabilities can help them maintain their confidence and independence in their social, working and domestic lives.

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